CS373 Fall 2020: Stephen Zheng
The following is for blog entry #9 for CS373.
What did you do this past week?
I finished my SWE project with my group on Monday and Tuesday. For me, this included using get requests to retrieve information from multiple Food APIs and deciding which one we would use (for now). In addition, I had to create a table on postgres and push the information to our AWS database. It had a lot of syntax requirements that set me back while I was working on that portion of the assignment. After I finally managed to get that working, I contributed to filling out the report and helping out in other small areas where I could. Besides the actual project, I also filled out the peer review for this assignment, although I had no problems with my peers, so it was fairly straightforward.
What’s in your way?
We still have a lot of work to do for phase 3 of the project. I intend to get started earlier this time so that we can properly change the back-end database as needed and getting the required front-end features to work.
What will you do next week?
As I mentioned above, I probably will get started on phase 3 of the project. I need to start getting the filtering, sorting etc. of 5 attributes of the model page to work.
If you read it, what did you think of Ethical CS?
I did not have time to read the paper this week.
What was your experience of functions, lambdas, and decorators? (this question will vary, week to week)
I didn’t realize that python functions could be defined and called in so many different ways. It was a bit confusing, especially how they can use the * operator to do different things, such as unpacking tuples. Although I was also new to decorators, I found it to be pretty intuitive.
What made you happy this week?
One thing that made me happy this week was I received some free homemade brownies from a friend.
Also, Suning made a pretty crazy and entertaining upset vs Top Esports at Worlds this week.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
For this week, I would recommend getting a decent webcam for video interviews. After I switched from my laptop camera to a simple $20 camera from Amazon, I look a lot clearer on screen and more focused. A pretty good investment to make if you are trying to make a good impression on these remote interviews.