CS373 Fall 2020: Stephen Zheng
The following is for blog entry #5 for CS373.
What did you do this past week?
I attended lectures and took the daily quizzes. I met up with my partners for Project 2 and got started on the project. First, we brainstormed ideas and finally got a project proposal approved. Later, we also created our own gitlab repository, invited the graders to the repository, and created issues for the project.
What’s in your way?
We haven’t really started on the next steps of the project, such as creating a static website. They seem kind of annoying and tedious so we are procrastinating a bit. Also, we need to plan a schedule of when we are going to work.
What will you do next week?
I intend on meeting up with my partners and finishing all the requirements for phase 1 of the project. This includes providing 5 user stories to our developer, collecting data on the models, creating a static website, using boostrap, writing a technical report, etc. Also, I intend on attending the lectures and doing the daily quizzes. Additionally, I’ve been procrastinating on this, but I might look into learning how to set up and use docker.
What was your experience of types, object models, and iterators? (this question will vary, week to week)
I found Python more complex than I thought it was. It has its own specifications that clash with those in Java, C, C++. I don’t have that much experience with Python so it was interesting learning about the differences with Java, for types and iterators. I understand these concepts a lot better after attending the lectures this week.
What made you happy this week?
I bought some fresh fruit at Target and plan on making a strawberry banana smoothie some time this week. Also, a new episode of The Boys came out and it was spicy. Additionally, Worlds (for League of Legends) started this week and Team Liquid is doing really well.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Common website, but try leetcode.com if you want to prepare for coding interviews. Has a better collection of questions than HackerRank, in my opinion.